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Zephyr & Sandford news

by Pat Asling

Goodbye September, hello October! Where did it go? This past week has had a couple of drizzly days but also mostly sunny and warm late summer days, ideal for working outside. Crops are being taken off, gardens cleared and many people I suspect perplexed as to what they should do with perennials and other plants they usually bring inside for the winter. Snow and frost seem so improbable just now. We know it’s coming but don’t want to do anything when flowers of all sorts are just at their peak.

Bird migration has started with various sparrows arriving, I think my hummingbirds have gone and I can bring in my feeder, the redwings are flocking up in the trees by the pond and across the road, the pond is alive with geese as is the field beside it and they are practising their flight control! The leaves are changing colour, some already bare, others slowly dropping, depending on the wind, I think many are confused too as I have seen several maples where half the tree is red, the other half still green!

Talking of flight control, I got a real scare Saturday when this large, militant-style plane flew very low over the house. I later found out it was a CC-130, fixed-wing turboprop Hercules flyby honouring Jim Parks, our 100-year-old veteran, one of the very last survivors of DDay. He landed on Juno Beach, age 19 as part of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles. Our thanks for your service and best wishes for many more good years!

A few congratulations this week! Happy birthday to Grace Risebrough, having reached the special age of 21. Grace is in the final year of Guelph University with plans to become her father’s right-hand woman in the near future! Birthday wishes go out also to Steve Ottolini, wife of Lorraine, father of Robyn and her sister. Greetings also to Lisa Lockerby. Lisa lives in town now but did live in Sandford, the inspiration for her parents Earle and Heidi to move in beside her! She recently started a gardening business, which keeps her busy now her sons are not at home. Nancy Threan Loraine also celebrated. Perhaps Nancy is best known in the community for her missionary ventures. Cyndie Jacobs enjoy her day as well. She has been involved in many Uxbridge activities including stage productions and playing in the bands. Big Congratulations again go out to Dawson Ball, who turned 22. Dawson has been involved in 4H for many years so I hope his aspiration is to work with his father David. That would be at least four generations on the same farm! Congratulations to Mike and Kim Kelland on their 40 anniversary. They are a busy couple having raised three kids, including the beautiful singer Julien. Mike has worked at Williamsons for way over 30 years and Kim is often found at Threads Boutique. Best wishes for many more great years.

It has been noted several people in our community have been ill with COVID, most are not too sick as all have been vaccinated but I was talking to a gentleman Friday night who said he had been in the hospital for one and half weeks with it and had been very ill. Hopefully, the new vaccine will be available soon, as well as the flu shot, so the number of cases does not escalate.

Some people have been enjoying a holiday. Pat and Bev Molly were in Ireland, visiting Pat’s ancestors. A big thrill was visiting the very house where his grandmother was born and, of course, he kissed the Blarney Stone. We will really have to watch him now ha ha.

Derek and Sylvia Kokkenin were travelling in the Rockies amid some very lovely scenery. I am not sure if they were anywhere near the sea of the Jasper fires. Cor and Jenny VanMaurik also took a few days to travel around. Anne Irvine and three friends took a cruise in the north, especially to see whales. Unfortunately, it rained buckets for much of the tour but they did get some fantastic views of surfacing whales, fairly close to the ship.

The fundraiser auction for Ryan Fawns was such a success that Dick Ott, who now owns the sales barn, is mulling over whether to hold one again next year, but for some charity organization. It appears most regular auctions now are carried out virtually. He was asking for opinions, both about the feasibility of this and what organization might benefit.

Some interesting news about former Uxbridge business persons. Milly and John Cochrane, who ran the popular restaurant Mad Milly’s went to Sutton where they ran a chicken restaurant. Recently they sold that and now are owners of a bake shop called “Market St. Bakery”! They have delicious goodies if you are up that way.

On Friday evening the final concert of the year at the Foster took place. Featured Artist was Mike Burns, who always draws a big crowd. This year it was a bit smaller, probably due to road consideration but it was well received with a standing ovation. Mike sings as well as plays guitar. Andrew Heathcote, who was there the week before the solo, plays guitar and harmonica while the third member plays drums and recorder, an exciting and enjoyable combination. There likely will be a Christmas play late in November and possibly an open house nearer Christmas. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, the Lucy Maud Society will host some Friday evening musical events with Jazz music on October 4th, November 1st and December 6th, 7 p.m., admission by donation, and Chamber music on October 18th and November 22nd. On October 3rd, 7 p.m. in the School Building at the Uxbridge Scott Museum, the annual, General Meeting will be held. It is some time since the previous one so should be lots to discuss. All are welcome. Bring your ideas for events which could be carried out or talks given. Memberships will be sold and we need volunteers to make things happen.

On October 5th the Uxbridge Firefighters Memorial Statue and Garden will be officially unveiled. The ceremony will be at 2 p.m. after the parade from the arena at 1 p.m. Our Firefighters have been organized for 150 years and a good many families have been helped by their efforts in our area. Prior to this event, several current firefighters were honoured for their services. They included Michael Goodyear for 5 years, chief Mike McDonald for 10, Sean Edwards for 15, John Verhoog for 20 and Ken Maynard for 40. Hardly seems possible it’s that long since he is another of the kids I knew long ago! Congratulations to all of them and many thanks for your services. The firefighters also collect money and Food during the Santa Parade, which goes to the food bank.

The Women's Institute (WI) Dessert and Fashion Show last Thursday night was a success with a full house, I would say at least 125 ladies. The food was delicious and overabundant, the fashions and the models were all excellent, and it was a great evening.

Church was held on Sunday in Zephyr, and the final regular service was to be held there. I expect some more of the former Zephyr folks might come out but only two. Message time consisted of memories, even going back to when Ashworth, the third member of the charge, was closed in 1967. Next week we are back in Sandford, a regular service. The following Sunday is Thanksgiving, the 20th Sandford anniversary and Zephyr's 27th final anniversary and service. From then on we will be known as the Sandford Zephyr United Church.

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