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Zephyr & Sandford news

by Pat Asling

One half of another year slipped into oblivion! I hope you all had a great holiday weekend, although some of it was pretty crummy weather. For most, holiday spirits were not dampened, although a little chilled. My peonies are finished; they were lovely but beaten down by the wind and rain. Now it is lily time and lilies are a little more robust and can take some punishment. I have a lot of different kinds, several with multiple flower heads, some with just one at a time blooming; day lilies, cannas, callas, etc., make a cheering sight when skies are gray so often. And then there are the birds! Quite a few different varieties around the yard and feeders, as well as mallards, wood ducks, the occasional goose, green and blue herons. The ducks like to sit and preen on my dock, nice to see them! Oh, and then there are the not-so-welcome chipmunks, squirrels and raccoons!

Sad news this week as we learn of the passing of Harry Stemp. Harry was born in Uxbridge into a large and ambitious family, and his fame was far and wide. He liked to sit with friends in the Legion for his "cool ones" but he was only gathering news. He entered the newspaper business at a very young age. The printing press at the Uxbridge Scott Museum was donated by him and his partner Bill Keyzers. On the wall, you will see photos of various people he worked with, including my cousin Ted Asling, who married Harry's aunt. Bill and Harry ran The Uxbridge Times Journal for many, many years, along with a couple of stalwarts who, for several years, demonstrated the printing process at the museum. A number of the Stemp family still reside in Uxbridge and we send our deepest sympathies to them. He will not soon be forgotten!

For happier news, we send out wedding anniversary greetings to Tish and Mike MacDonald, happily married for 34 years. Tish is now retired but still deeply involved in taking tours to the European war sites and she and Mike, taking time off from his Captain fireman job, are busy planning. Beating them in longevity are Dale and Lorene Ashton who have been married for 39 years. Although Dale was born in Uxbridge they now live in Keswick!

Anniversary wishes also go out to Michelle and Peter Viney, who have been married 21 years! Birthday wishes go out to Dave Beare, another of our firefighter friends and cousin. Best wishes for a great year!best wishes also to Debbie Jennings Wilson, my close neighbour, on her recent birthday. Debbie Is recovering from recent surgery, one of many she has undergone over the years.

Happy birthday also to Cheryl Hinzel who celebrated without husband Erwin, who is visiting a son Matt in Seattle. Meanwhile Cheryl is no doubt helping out daughter Andrea Arkell and family as they move into Uxbridge. Congratulations Aldo to Dan Shreeve who has reached the landmark of 16 years. Best wishes also to Gary Johnson, husband to Janey and father to Katie and Mark. Gary is keeper of the Johnson family farm!

One very special birthday was that of Corinne Croxall, who was 99! Corinne is another example of tenacity, commitment and hard work throughout all her years as a farm wife and mother and the many church and community organizations she belonged to and ran for many years. Recently the group Durham Farm and Rural Family Resources met at Altona Lea Farms( owned by Donna Barkey, the former Donna Johnson and her large family). Here, the group was presented with a good sum of money to carry on their work by Ontario Hydro (sure to be an electrifying project)! In the photo I saw was none other than Corinne, along with other members of the Bethesda Reach Women's Institute. I remember many years ago when the late Barbara Evans and Corinne were trying to start this project and what a lot of work they and other WI members did to make it a reality!

Of course, there are numerous graduations and graduates, and unfortunately, I don't know most of them, but big congratulations go out to Mackenzie (Mack) Moore, daughter of Sarah and Dan. Most praise has come to Mack about her riding ability, but obviously, she did not neglect her studies as she did really well in graduation from high school. Another young lady grad is Katie Elaine Cox, daughter of Robert and granddaughter of Murray and Elaine. Her previous claim to fame came from showing cattle, but she, too, obviously did not neglect her studies. Way to go girls!

North Durham Nature Group met on Tuesday, June 25th, for a very interesting presentation. It was given by Michael Pavan, entitled "Biodiversity on the Farm". Michael, his parents and his girlfriend run a farm near Fenelon Falls. The many animals- cows, pigs, horses, chickens are raised in the open basically, and each group of animals is moved to a new plot of ground several times a day. The results seem great but impractical for most farmers however beneficial it may be. There will be no meeting until Sept. The next Uxbridge Horticultural meeting will be on Wednesday, July 10th, at 7 p.m., with guest speaker Jillian Bishop talking about growing vegetables. Delphiniums and Roses are the highlights this month. Don't forget the Horseshoe club meeting at the Museum each Tuesday, 6 p.m.

The " Friday nights at the Foster" continue this week with perennial favourites Rick and Larry performing. Doors open at 7 p.m., Concert at 7:30. Suggested donation of $10 at the door as funds for restoration. Church this week was at Zephyr with Rev. Wayne Reed leading. Thanks to Karen Rynard for her assistance and Donna Mathewson for the music. Next week, we are back to Sandford with our new minister, Rev. Li Armstrong, leading. A welcome lunch will follow. All are urged to attend and meet her and welcome her to the church and community.

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