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Zephyr & Sandford news

by Pat Asling

I hope everyone,Dad's included, had a lovely Fathers Day. Well, here we are, a week later and still doing lap news. It's been a mixed weather bag this week, some hot days, some cool, some rain and that short, but for some, devastating mini tornado on Thursday evening. I had no damage nor hydro outage but many Zephyr folks were out close to 24 hours, mostly caused by falling trees, especially on the 3rd! I was fearful for my many peonies all just opening up. Hopefully it didn't damage any of the gardens that were on the Lucy Maud Garden Tour Saturday.

In that regard, last I heard 300 tickets had been sold and more available. Reports said there were plenty of cars lined up at these locations! Happily, there are no community deaths to report but I need to correct a couple of names. Marilyn Dobie's special, and only grandson is Eric! Going back to the week before and my cousin Dawn Marie Prentice Tjomas, I said she was married to Jocko. Jocko was famous at the time but it was his son Ron to whom she was married! Apologies for these mistakes!

There were a few celebrations this week. Happy birthday to Heidi Lockerby who celebrated on the 11th. Happy birthday to my cousin, and rising hockey star Ryan Shier who turned 19, and to another Ryan, Tindall, who also had a birthday but a few years older and who I am sure was deep in strawberries on that day! Picking at the farm began on Saturday! A special birthday wish to a long time friend Marie Forsyth who was 92. Marie worked for many years in the Public Health office, where I met her, back in the day when we had some control of our own activities! She still lives in the house where she and husband Peter lived! Happy birthday also to columnist Dan Cearns! Dan was just a kid when I first met him in the Standard office but has been doing some great writing all along! Birthday greeting also to our former minister Eiko Hosaka who now makes her living selling delicious Japanese treats!

More special wishes go out to Bob Kirvan who will be 89 on Sunday. Can you believe it!

Bob reported that there were 19 out to the Horseshoe club at the Uxbridge Scott museum pitches on Tuesday night. He was happy that 2 new ladies signed up, for a total of 4! You can too, every Tuesday evening at 6PM! $30 for the season, first one free!

Anniversary greeting go out to to Don and Gloria Ross, and many more!

Robyn Ottolini never stops! This week she is at Woodbine- Mohawk Racetrack performing at the pre-race show,the NA Cup!

The last 2 weeks at the Foster would have been chaotic, except for Brian O'Sullivan, as both scheduled performers had to cancel. Unfortunately, although the people who played were wonderful, attendance was sparce, competing with SpringFest, a Rib Fest, Loop day , Garden Tour etc. On the 7th Harper Norm Lucien performed some very different and intriguing music. This past week Brian himself filled in along with a friend Ron Sellwood. Brian both played his special guitar and sang while Ron played accordion and an unique instrument called a vibrandonean, which looked like a combination between a horn and an accordion. The music it made was just wonderful! And these 2 gentlemen had never played together before! See you next week, 7:30 PM, donation at the door!

This weekend Zephyr had their community yard sale/give away. From what I saw , there was a lot of stuff going to change hands!

On Saturday June 23 the "Opera on the Solstice will be performed at the Foster, 2PM and 7PM. This is another great show organized by Conrad Boyce and features 2 homegrown songstresses, Christina Campsall and Leslie Higgins, with friends Ben Done and Suzy Smith. Tickets are $30 in aid of the Foster repairs. Many thanks to Conrad and we will miss he and Lisa greatly!

This week the Srs meet for lunch on Tuesday and on Thurday the Genealogy Group meet via in person or zoom. Topic is "Family in the news". Look at the web site for how to join. Church service today at Zephyr was led by Pastor Gord Shreeve as will be the service next week. Next week also Sandford Decoration service will be at the church, 2PM. ! Pastor Gord leading. The Cemetery will be open all day. Zephyr Zion Cemetery decoration will be in July! Plans are underway for July 2 when Rev Li (first name) takes her first service with us, Please plan to attend and greet her!

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