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Why Me Lord

by Jonathan van Bilsen

The El Mocambo nightclub, on Spadina Avenue, just south of Bloor Street, was a legendary haunt in Toronto, known to many long-time residents. It was a place where you could catch a glimpse of rock royalty, from the Rolling Stones to Gordon Lightfoot, U2, and Blondie. The club's air was thick with the promise of something unforgettable, and the memory of one particular night has stayed with me for decades.

It was the late sixties, and the El Mocambo was packed, as it often was. I was there with a group of friends, navigating the crowded bar in search of a drink. After squeezing between patrons, I finally managed to catch the bartender's attention and ordered a beer. The man next to me, a clean shaven, long haired fellow, who fit the hippie mold of the era, did the same. As the bartender slid two frosty mugs across the counter, I accidentally knocked one over, sending its contents spilling onto the counter and the floor.

Luckily, the man beside me stepped back, just in time to avoid the mess. I quickly apologized, feeling the heat of embarrassment, and insisted on paying for another beer to replace the one I had spilled. He smiled, accepting my offer with a friendly, "Thank you." He introduced himself, simply, as Chris.

Returning to my friends, I tried to brush off the incident, embarrassed by my clumsiness. The crowd continued to buzz with excitement, but soon a voice rang out, calling for quiet. The noise in the room quickly died down, as the announcer took the stage.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” the voice boomed. “It is my pleasure to introduce a newcomer to the music industry.” There was a brief pause, before he continued, “Please welcome Kris Kristofferson.”

The applause was polite but sparse, typical for an unknown artist. I glanced toward the stage and was stunned to see the same “Chris” from the bar, guitar in hand, ready to perform. He caught my eye and grinned, clearly recognizing me.

With a nod in my direction, he began his set. “Thanks to my friend, Jon,” he said into the microphone, and then launched into a heartfelt rendition of “Why Me Lord,” a song which would later catapult him to stardom. As I stood there, my friends looked at me in astonishment, wondering how on earth I had befriended this rising star. Even now, they still marvel at the story, a tale of chance and a spilled beer which led to a fleeting, yet unforgettable connection, with the legendary Kris Kristofferson.

Jonathan van Bilsen is a television host, award winning photographer, published author, columnist and keynote speaker. Watch his show, ‘The Jonathan van Bilsen Show’, on RogersTV, the Standard Website and YouTube and follow his adventures at

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