UXBRIDGE: Councillors recently passed a resolution calling on the Region of Durham to implement additional traffic safety measures on local roadways. On Monday, November 18th, councillors passed a resolution that included a detailed list of their desired traffic improvements on the township’s portion of regional roads. Included in the resolution were multiple requests for new community safety zones, pedestrian crosswalks and areas where the speed limit will be reduced from 50 km/h to 40. Mayor Dave Barton noted that traffic safety was a recurring theme during last year’s municipal election, in all corners of the municipality. “I think we all campaigned on calmer streets, it’s better for active transportation and better from an age-friendly perspective,” explained Mayor Barton. “This is a huge win, and it gives us something to push for at the region.” The mayor also noted that adding community safety zones will allow for expanded photo radar in the future. Throughout the year, the township’s Traffic Safety Committee has been detailedly reviewing local roads. A municipal roadway safety review is expected to be on the agenda for the Monday, December 2nd council meeting.