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Uxbridge declares King Street Parkette surplus


UXBRIDGE: After years of deliberation, Uxbridge councillors recently decided to sell the long-vacant King Street parkette.

The resolution to declare the land surplus was passed during their meeting on Monday, June 10th. The property, which has been vacant for over 40 years, will be put up for sale. A meeting with neighboring residents was scheduled following the decision to gauge interest from potential local buyers.

The parkette, once equipped with playground equipment donated by a service club, has since fallen into neglect. Resident Gerry Oldham, who has been advocating for the park's retention for decades, suggested a bench and a picnic table would enhance the space. Despite her efforts, the council has moved forward with the sale.

Following the surplus declaration, the land will undergo a rezoning process to change its designation from recreational to residential. Clerk Debbie Leroux noted a public meeting would be required for this rezoning. She referenced a 2014 report by township planning consultant Liz Howson, which previously halted rezoning efforts for further study. Leroux clarified the necessary studies have since been completed, allowing the process to proceed.

Additionally, council approved Leroux’s recommendation the land not be serviced with water and sewer. According to the township's parks master plan, the decision was made to allocate resources to other parks, with a playground on Quaker Village Common located just 500 meters away from the King Street parkette, across Centre Road.

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