SCUGOG: The word Ekphrasis translates to “description” in Greek and ekphrastic writing describes or is inspired by a work of art. The Voice of Art Literary Contest for 2020 offers four pieces of visual art from its Annual Juried Show as inspiration for the contest entries. The pieces of artwork include an oil painting by Charles Choi, Chair Series 11; a photography by Jennifer Burrows, The Boss; a lino print by Erin Le Page, Pizza Box; and an oil painting by Lorelei Lapp, Misty Morning. There are Poetry and Fiction categories for Youth, ages 15 to 21, and the added category of Creative Non-Fiction for Adults, ages 22 and up. They are accepting short fiction stories and creative non-fiction of up to 2,500 words and poems of up to 40 lines. The cost to enter is $20 for adults and $15 for youth. $2,500 in Cash Prizes! The prizes are as follows – Youth and Adult Poetry: 1st Prize $300, 2nd Prize $150, 3rd Prize $50. Youth and Adult Fiction: 1st Prize $300, 2nd Prize $150, 3rd Prize $50. Adult Creative Non-fiction: 1st Prize $300, 2nd Prize $150, 3rd Prize $50. Contest closes Friday, April 15th, 2020. To enter to online to For more information and to enter go online to