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The farm is busting at the seams with kids

Writer: Colleen GreenColleen Green

Leslie Forsythe – Special to The Standard

Congratulations are in order for a nanny goat at Forsythe Family Farms. “It’s a one in 10,000 occurrence that quadruplets are born, but that is  just what happened here at our farm Thursday night,” said Leslie  Forsythe. “A nanny goat, we were all cheering along for the past couple of months, as she got bigger and bigger, [and] just delivered four healthy kids Thursday night. We wouldn’t have won the lottery by betting  on her delivery day (we figured that was at least a month ago) but hit  the jackpot with the quadruplets. So for the kids who visit the farm, we have new kids on the block to visit. It just made our strawberry pick your own [strawberry] season  that much busier.” You can visit the kids at Forsythe Family Farms, located at 1025 Cragg  Road, Uxbridge.



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