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Scugog to look at temporary parking options for Canada Day

DAN CEARNS The Standard

SCUGOG: The Township of Scugog is looking into the potential of expanding parking options for visitors to the municipality on Canada Day.

At a meeting on Monday, June 17th, Scugog councillors saw a report on the Township’s plans for the 2024 Canada Day celebrations, which are scheduled to be held mostly in Port Perry’s Palmer Park on July 1st.

Regional Councillor Ian McDougall questioned if municipal staff have looked into additional parking options in the downtown core for the event.

“We have not specifically focused on additional parking for Canada Day as it stands,” CAO Ken Nix responded.

Councillor McDougall then asked if there were any options available that Township staff could look into.

“There are always areas that could be opened up, it’s a matter of coming to an agreement with the various owners,” Mr. Nix stated.

Mayor Wilma Wotten asked if it would be possible for Township staff to explore available parking areas in the downtown core as a one day exception.

“We will reach out to the BIA (Business Improvement Association) and the various owners to see if there are alternatives which are temporary uses that they would permit,” Mr. Nix said.

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