Very few people get to spend quality time with Santa Claus, especially in a one-on-one situation, but last week I was so excited to interview the jolly old elf himself on my December show (airing last Monday on Rogers TV and YouTube – the Jonathan van Bilsen Show). Finally, after many years of wondering, I could solve some of the questions, which have been plaguing me since childhood. For example, when I asked Santa how he gets into people’s houses where there aren’t any chimneys, he placed his hand in his pocket and pulled out a shiny, silver key, which he explained had fantastic properties, and would open any door in the world. Next I asked him how he made it to all the houses around the world in one night, and I watched his face beam with pride when he shared his fantastic ability to make time stand still. He also has an uncanny capability to duplicate himself, which explains why I can see him at a mall one minute, and an hour later he is somewhere else. How much sense that makes. I tried to trip Santa up and explained how I had just learned male Reindeer lose their antlers by early December, and whenever I see a photo of him and his sleigh, the Reindeer all have a full set of antlers. I asked him if all the reindeer were female. He smiled and rubbed his tummy and stared at me, telling me those kinds of questions are the reason I was on the naughty list. Our producer had the foresight to bring a tray of cookies and some eggnog and Santa quite enjoyed them. He revealed that gingerbread was his favourite, and by the size of his belly, I could see he ate a great number of them. I was a little concerned about Santa visiting Bakersville, the gingerbread village, at the library, in case he was hungry when he arrived there. One thing I did not know, was that Santa’s home at the North Pole, is about the size of Port Perry or Uxbridge, with hundreds of elves working all year long to make toys for all the girls and boys. I was quite taken with my personal interview and am being extra good so I can get off the naughty list. To see the entire interview with Santa, tune into Rogers TV or YouTube and find out the facts about the man in red. I also wanted to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very merry Christmas, a happy holiday and all the best for 2020. Jonathan van Bilsen is a television host, published author, award winning photographer and keynote speaker. Watch his new show ‘ The Jonathan van Bilsen Show’ on YouTube.