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COURTNEY McCLURE Intern to The Standard
SCUGOG: Rodd Foster, 91, was inducted into the Scugog Sports Hall of Fame back in 2015 in the ‘builder’ category. A builder is a general category including people who managed a sports team, coach or founder. “I love sports,” shared Mr. Foster. He grew up in Greenbank and attended Port Perry High School when he was a teenager. During his high school days, Mr. Foster said he was involved on multiple sports teams. He remembers playing for the high school’s basketball team. He explained he has always loved sports and has been playing them since he was a kid. Although he cannot remember the first sport he played during his childhood, Foster said he knows he automatically loved playing sports. Some of his favourite sports are basketball, baseball and hockey. However, his absolute favourite sport is baseball, specifically fastball. “Our high school had some really good basketball teams,” said Mr. Foster. Aside from playing for the Port Perry High School basketball team, Foster remembers playing at places in Brooklin, Oshawa, Port Perry and his hometown of Greenbank. When he was playing for one of the baseball teams in Port Perry, he explained how the baseball diamond used to be located at the fairgrounds. Mr. Foster said he and the rest of the team were “responsible” for relocating the baseball diamond to its current location: next to Palmer Park. “We didn’t get much of a crowd [when at the fairgrounds],” he shared. “So, we moved to the lakefront.” The result was a much better turnout. He made a lot of friends while playing for multiple sports teams. He also enjoyed playing in baseball and basketball tournaments. “Sports is all about competition,” stated Mr. Foster. Foster’s love for sports has been demonstrated by his active participation within the sporting community in Durham Region. The Scugog Sports Hall Committee runs an annual induction to congratulate local men and women who have dedicated a portion of their life by playing a sport or by participating in other ways, namely volunteering as a coach or team manager. The event is usually held at the Scugog Community Recreation Centre, in Port Perry. If someone wants to be inducted or nominate someone, they can fill out a form available of the Township of Scugog website, listed under the heading of Scugog Sports Hall of Fame.