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Pineridge Garden Club


Special to The Standard

SCUGOG: We all know the feeling of disappointment in spring to see that a plant has died. August this year has been unpredictably dry, and as gardeners, we need to give our plants the best chance of getting them established to survive the long cold winter months. Ensuring plant survival long before the end of the growing season means keeping newly planted and even established perennials with consistent moisture. The moisture would allow the roots to run deep, making for strong, healthy plants that will reward you with many blooms the following season. A suggested watering guide from Sheridan Nurseries for perennials, trees and shrubs recommend using a wand attachment set on a shower setting, allowing water to soak in around the base of the plant slowly. Then also use the 5-15-5 transplanter solution used as directed to boost root growth and also to add two inches of mulch around the base to reduce water evaporation. The mulch would reduce weeding and leave more time to enjoy your garden. The watering schedule for new plants is as follows three to four times a week for the first month, followed by two to three times a week for the next month and two times a week for the rest of the season. Also, taking into consideration the actual rainfall and how quickly the soil is drying out.

In celebration of the Pineridge Garden Club 45th Anniversary, our President Norma Haney highlighted the many accomplishments and contributions within the community, memorable past garden bus tours and the new and lifelong friendships formed through the club. Congratulations to Grace Bajema, an original member who was honoured with a 45-year pin, and Shirley Love was on hand to accept her 40-year pin. Thank you to Libbi Hood for her PowerPoint presentation of her recent tour of Spring Gardens at Leeds Castle, Kent, England. The Princess Alexandra Gardens showcase early spring bulbs, rhododendrons, azaleas blooming later in the season, The Lady Baillie Mediterranean Garden terraces, and The Culpepper Garden. The Culpepper garden was the castle’s kitchen garden during the 17th century, named after the original owner. Then became a cut flower garden during Lady Bailies’ ownership and transformed again in 1980 into a large cottage garden.

Thank you to the group of members who came out on Monday, August 8th and made good progress in laying the weed barrier and spreading mulch at the Nestleton Community Center garden.

Sunday, August 21st, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Scugog Historical Museum will be open for Heritage Days. Take a walk through the village of 12 historic buildings and Ojibway Interpretive Lands. See the demonstrations of weaving, spinning and blacksmithing. Behind the Lee House, The Pineridge Garden Club members will be happy to see and chat with you in the herb garden.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, September 6th at 7:30 p.m. Diane Tait will be speaking on ‘Are their medicinal Plants in your Garden’ The Fall Flower and Vegetable Show is the last for this garden season. Please place your entries between 5:30 p.m. And 6:30 p.m. at the latest. Looking forward to seeing your entries. Guests welcome. Refreshments will be served. Don’t forget to see Shelley to purchase your door prize tickets.

Visit us at to find out more information on becoming a member.

Pineridge Garden Club – where Gardeners come to bloom.

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