By Helen Nicolaou
The snowfall of 2025 reminds us of, when we were younger, spending the entire day outside and enjoying many snow days off from school. Today, it's the grandkids having a blast in the snow, as we are the on-lookers reminiscing of the good old times.
Time spent gazing out the window, at our gardens blanketed in snow, allows us to envision changes for the new garden season. The garden landscape is always changing, from the blank canvas of seasons past to the trial and error of finding what grows best in your own micro-climate. Perhaps the garden which has once produced well, with sun loving perennials, needs to be updated with shade plant choices.
The Hellabore is a perennial which will add texture and colour to the ornamental shade garden. The Hellabore plant, also known as Christmas Rose or Lenten Rose, belongs to the Buttercup Family. It originated in Europe and Asia and dates as far back as the 1300s. Hellabore does well in Zones 9 - 5 but needs protection in winter, from extreme temperatures and wind. They are available in many colours, from white and pink to dark purple, with variations of delicate markings and evergreen glossy leaves.
Depending on the availability at Nurseries or Mail Order, hellabore plants can be planted in the autumn, before the ground freezes, or in the spring, once the ground has dried out. Grown in the greenhouse, remember to acclimate the plant to the garden gradually. At planting, hellebores do well as a border plant, in an area with semi-shade complimenting shrubs or a naturalized bed.
Water them well, until they are established, and add compost and mulch annually. Blooms are expected in early spring with daffodils and tulips. The plant is dear and pest-resistant and attracts early spring pollinators.
The Pine Ridge Garden Club Board Members are working hard, to bring knowledgeable speakers with interesting topics to the club, while planning the May Annual Plant, Bake and Yard Sale Fundraiser and Garden Tour/Outings. Back by popular demand, in August, there will be the Flower Design Demos and November Holiday Workshop.
Members; think about participating in the Flower Shows and try your hand at the "Design Classes." Get out for a walk and some fresh air, to snap some photos for the 2025 Photo Competition. This is the perfect winter to enter the class "Winter In The Woods" scene.
Our first meeting of the season will be on Tuesday, March 11th, at 7:30 p.m., at the Nestleton Community Centre. We are looking forward to having Anna Miyzn, from Anna's Perennials. She will speak to us, on "My Favourite Perennials and Trees." There will be a Potluck, of "Sweet and Savoury" Finger Foods and Refreshments, available. There will be door prize tickets, and remember to Lug-A-Mug.We are looking forward to seeing all our gardening friends. Guests are always Welcome.
To become a member, visit our website, at pineridgegardenclub.com, or see Carolyn at the meeting.