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Ontario, federal governments to collaborate with municipalities on housing crisis

DAN CEARNS The Standard

DURHAM/KAWARTHA LAKES: Provincial and federal housing officials have recently affirmed their commitment to working together to solve the housing crisis with help from municipalities.

On Tuesday, May 28th, Sean Fraser, the federal government’s Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, and Paul Calandra, Ontario’s Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing released a joint statement, regarding a potential action plan to solve the housing crisis.

“Canada and Ontario recognize our collaboration is imperative, to solving the housing crisis. That is why we are pleased to share, an agreement has been reached, on a revised action plan, from Ontario which will unlock $357 million of federal funding, under the National Housing Strategy (NHS). Ontario has submitted a revised Action Plan, under the bilateral agreement which provides more robust data and insights as to which housing projects benefited from provincial investment,” the statement read.

The joint statement also noted, the provincial housing plan has been updated, to “better reflect Ontario’s funding delivery model, as the only jurisdiction which flows the funds through municipal service managers.”

“These measures include: establishing provincial supply targets with service managers, directing funding toward new projects, setting annual goals, and implementing robust data collection and reporting mechanisms. Additionally, Ontario will submit an Action Plan for 2025-2028, by December 31st, of 2024, to secure continued federal funding for the remainder of the 10-year National Housing Strategy agreement. Solving the housing crisis requires a Team Canada approach. We will continue to work together, along with our municipal partners, to make sure the people of Ontario have the homes they need,” the statement concluded.

Through the provincial Building Faster Fund, the Ontario government gives municipalities housing targets to reach and rewards them with built in funding, if they meet certain thresholds or goals.

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