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Olympic Pride

DAN CEARNS The Standard

As a resident of the country of Canada, there is a lot to be proud of at the end of the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics.

Our country’s Olympic athletes set two records this year. One, the most gold medals at a Summer Olympics with nine. The other was the 27 total medals our athletes earned at a single Summer Olympics, a personal best for the country. What is also impressive is these medals were won in 15 different sports.

Canada finished these Olympic games in twelfth place in the medal standings. At a competition which included 84 countries, I think that’s a really great place to be in. The countries higher in the standings are the ones you would likely predict to excel in Summer games, including the USA, China, Australia and Japan.

I will be honest, I haven’t been watching any of the sports too closely, but have been keeping an eye on the standings. Every medal Canada has picked up over the course of these games has filled me with pride for my country.

I’m not the only one. In an IPSOS (Institut Public de Sondage d'Opinion Secteur) poll conducted earlier this year, 85 percent of respondents said Canada’s Olympic team makes them proud of their country. Eighty-two percent believe the Olympic team inspires the next generation to participate in sports.

On the international stage, when it comes to Canada, many people think of the winter sports the most like hockey or snowboarding. Setting two records and staying in the top half of the standings for most of these games, I think has shown the world Canada is more than just our skill at winter sports.

It truly was an opportunity to make an impression in front of the world stage, being the first Olympics in the last three to not have COVID-19 restrictions placed on it. Athletes could draw energy from the fans in the stands again.

It has been a very successful summer season for Canada’s Olympic athletes and hopefully will provide some momentum to carry over into the 2028 games.

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