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Local resident calls for a Go Transit link in Lindsay

DAN CEARNS The Standard

KAWARTHA LAKES: A Kawartha Lakes resident is calling on the City of Kawartha Lakes to help bring a Go Transit Bus Link to Lindsay.

At a meeting, on Tuesday, June 4th, Marilas McInnis, representing local members of the Retired Teachers of Ontario (RTO), made a deputation to councillors about the need to bring provincial transit to Lindsay.

“We, and hundreds of others, want to keep going, by continuing to connect locally with family, colleagues, friends, neighbours and our community but also, to the bigger world beyond our town boundaries. We need transportation options,” she said.

She stressed, “healthy aging, City of Kawartha Lakes seniors and retirees need Go Transit.”

“Healthy aging implies active, connected lifestyles with opportunities for many and varied social interactions. That means accessible transportation networks where ageism and marginalization have no place,” Ms. McInnis stated.

Mayor Doug Elmslie explained, the City of Kawartha Lakes has been trying to get a Go Transit link for a number of years.

“More recently, we have had discussions with the province. We hear positive things but we haven’t seen anything concrete. I will not make announcements until I have something hard and fast in my hand. I’m very hopeful, but, you know, hope is not a strategy. So we continue to work and we continue to lobby with our MPP, in order to get a link,” the Mayor added.

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