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Local MPP Peter Bethlenfalvy talks about municipal record needs, at a recent press conference

DAN CEARNS The Standard

UXBRIDGE: Uxbridge MPP and Ontario Finance Minister talked about the Ontario government’s work with municipalities, at a press conference, on Tuesday, August 13th.

“We’ve sat down with municipalities. 444 [of them]. I’ve sat down with some of them, our Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, all of our cabinet, and our caucus colleagues. We continue to meet, and of course the Premier is leading the charge. We believe in engaging and having constructive conversations.”

Minister Bethlenfalvy then drew attention to the government’s financial allocations to municipalities.

“Over the last five years, I’ve increased the funding for municipalities by 45 percent. That’s close to 10 percent per year. Is there more work to do? Absolutely, but we’re going to do it together and we’ve done a lot together.”

He mentioned, “significant funding for sewage and water infrastructure” as an example. In terms of homelessness prevention, Minister Bethlenfalvy stated, he increased the budget for the Homelessness Prevention program by 40 percent.

“That’s $200 million more, $700 million in total,” he added. “We’re supporting municipalities. We’re going to continue to work with them and that work does not stop.”

He noted, his team will “continue to have robust conversations and talk about the shared priorities we have.” He included homelessness, mental health and addiction, and building more homes as examples of the shared goals.

“If you’re not talking, you’re not coming up with the best solutions. So we’re going to have some real good discussions, you can count on that.”

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