UXBRIDGE: Taking a moment to write an email to Uxbridge Mayor Dave Barton about a glimpsed moment in time may result in benches at bus stops all over the town of Uxbridge. Michelle Lee wrote to the Mayor, and asked “if there’s any way to put a bench beside the bus stops at Douglas [Road] and Toronto [Street]? That’s right where the seniors’ residence is, and I noticed an elderly gentleman with a cane waiting there for a while… I typically see people waiting there, but it didn’t occur to me that seniors using the stop might need somewhere to sit and wait, until I saw the poor guy shifting back and forth on his cane, [and] leaning against the traffic pole.” “Sidewalks are part of the site plan and will be installed by the developer,” said Ward 4 Councillor Willie Popp. “They’ll be coming soon. Let’s have the three township committees, Age-Friendly, Accessibility, and Active Transportation work on priorities and get in touch with Durham Region Transit about placing benches in the right places. And let’s be sure to thank Michelle Lee.” Council agreed, with absent Ward 5 Councillor Todd Snooks providing written support for the idea. CAO Ingrid Svelnis added, Douglas Road might also get designated parking and boulevard improvements, she said “we’re looking at it.”