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Integrity and affordable housing mix in conversation on local development proposal

DAN CEARNS The StandardSCUGOG: Issues of integrity and affordable housing both came up at a Scugog Council meeting on Monday, June 24th, during a discussion on a proposed development in the municipality.

At the meeting, councillors heard a request for a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) from Avenu Properties to set certain parameters for a proposed development near Castle Harbour Drive.

Through the provincial Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, an MZO can be issued to override certain planning procedures in order to move a development closer.

The meeting also saw seven residents provide delegations to Scugog Council against the MZO request.

At one point during the discussion, Mayor Wilma Wotten felt it was important to explain and defend the council’s decision-making.

“I know many people have said many things about this council and myself, and a lot of it is not pleasant. A lot of it is falsehoods,” she said. “We do have the best intentions for the best of the community and I don’t think any of us would want to jeopardize our lake or our environmental wetlands. But we do have Medical Associates who are saying we can’t bring doctors because we have nowhere for them to live.”

With comments being shouted from the viewing gallery, Mayor Wotten was forced to take a 10 minute recess in order to regain decorum of the meeting. Specifically, she took issue with a comment that the Medical Associates comment was “made up.”

“I take offence that you think I would make that up,” Mayor Wotten said to the resident. “I find it offensive you would question our integrity.”

She then stressed the municipality has to “look beyond what we have today, and we have to be looking forward.”

Mayor Wotten also stated she wants residents to appreciate and understand “all the work, the time, [and] the consideration which goes into these meetings.”

Ward 2 Councillor Janna Guido said she fears when her children “finish their postsecondary education, they won’t be able to come back and call Scugog home.”

“Right now they can’t afford a 5,000 square foot home or a 2,000 square foot home at that matter,” she said. “We need a way to house that generation as well as the generation of those who are no longer able to look after their own home but are not ready to go anywhere else yet.” Ward 3 Councillor Robert Rock stated there is “no affordable housing and nearly no affordable rental units” in Scugog.

The MZO request was later referred to municipal development staff for a report in September.

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