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Epsom & Utica news

by Faye Ashton

Well, we buzzed through July. Time travels so fast now. We actually got more rain here at the farm last July than this year. We have experienced a real summer of heat, humidity, and rain, but I’m sure all gardeners and farmers will be thankful for the crop results.

Congratulations to all August birthdays, anniversaries, and celebrations. We wish everyone to enjoy the moment and make memories.

Last weekend, we travelled to Hanover, Ontario, to be at my brother Jerry and his wife Joan’s 60th wedding anniversary. They are both from the Port and Uxbridge area, and many of the guests travelled from here to join with all the friends Jerry and Joan have been blessed with. Jerry started his dental practice there 58 years ago.

Gord(Fuzz) Taylor delivered the message at the Glen this past Sunday.

The Reflections, Brian, Ron, and Ralph will deliver the message through their beautiful harmonies this Sunday at 7 p.m. at the Glen.

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