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Epsom & Utica news

by Faye Ashton

The storm Thursday evening, after a very sultry hot day, was rather frighting until the wind subsided. There was lightning everywhere it seemed until the storm moved Eastward.

Thursday was the big event at Windreach farm celebrating their 35th anniversary. The Super Dog show was just “Super Amazing”. The speed, agility and preciseness of dog and trainer was a joy to watch. The RCMP Musical ride was spectacular and a beauty to watch rider and horse perform. Congratulations, Windreach for the 35 years giving to the community and to all the Sponsors.

Word was received of the death of Jack Wanninkhot this past week. Jack went to Epsom Public school and many of his school friends will remember the good times spent together. Many friends will remember his (late)mother Ann as she was very involved in the larger community too. Our sincerest sympathy to Jack’s two sisters.

Summer Solstice apparently arrive on Thursday, June 20th. I asked google “how rare is it to have the two events [Summer Solstice and the full moon which is June 22nd] happen on the same day” and I was told every 18-20 years it could co- inside.

The Seagrave United church is hosting a Strawberry, whipped cream, Cold meat and homemade delicious salad Supper on Sunday, June 23rd at 5 p.m. Cost $25 for a beautiful meal. Take outs available. Please call Eleanor Sturman to reserve tickets at 905-985-7778.

Thanks to all the community and volunteers who helped make the Seagrave United church yard sale a real success.

This is your invitation to church at Epsom United this coming Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

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