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Epsom & Utica news

by Faye Ashton

The month of June has seen our community's efforts in tending to the crops, with the ground being blessed with moisture and warmth. It's a delightful sight each time I visit the garden, witnessing the seeds sprout into delicious food. The strawberries we picked at the end of last week continue to be a delightful treat this week. The asparagus, a true delicacy, is finally slowing down in growth, and I'm sure many of us are looking forward to its return.

It's never too late to share our joy and wish our June birthdays and anniversaries a heartfelt 'congratulations.' Each year, this special day is a testament to the love and joy we share as a community. I hope everyone feels the blessings showered on your celebration and the warmth of our collective well-wishes.

Attending the celebration of life for Tom and Joan Anderson at Cresswell Presbyterian church was an honour. They were a living, working part of the community, especially the Presbyterian church. They were honoured in so many ways and an example for all of us to strive for. This church is a lovely building, cared for and loved by its congregation.

Seeing so many at the Utica United Church for the cemetery board's biennial decoration service this past Sunday was nice. The special music was provided by songstress Hayden Kerry, accompanied by Linda Hunter at the piano. Rev. Edith Ann brought the message. The Wilbur family meticulously grooms the cemetery grounds. Thank you.

Church this Sunday is at Epsom United Church at 10:30 a.m., with Rev. Edith Ann presiding with fellowship to follow. Happy Father's Day to all the amazing Dads for this coming Sunday and the year to come.

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