Wishing all our friends who are celebrating a birthday or anniversary in April a very special celebration with family and friends. Look back at all the memories made during last year and begin new memories as you journey into another year.
Sunday’s weather is a reality check that winter is not over with us yet, but March winds are almost over, and April showers are almost here. Our snowdrops have given us a welcoming sign of Spring as they popped up through the frozen ground last week. Unfortunately, during the last couple of weeks, the weather does not produce much sap for the Maple Syrup producers. Hope we get one good run in April before it gets too warm. Farming is always so unpredictable.
A busload of approximately 50 Jersey producers from across Ontario visited the Ashton barn on Friday morning. The treats provided and the visiting with like-minded business associates are always a highlight.
Join the congregation at Epsom this Sunday, April 3rd, with Rev. Edith Ann as Minister. Looking ahead to Palm Sunday, April 10th, we celebrate communion together. On Good Friday, April 15th, a potluck breakfast at the church to support the Canadian Foodgrains Bank Project has been planned for 9 a.m. Everyone welcome. This wider community mission project has enabled many places around the world to have the necessary provisions we take for granted. We are back at church to celebrate Easter Sunday on April 17th, and I hear an Easter egg hunt is planned for the children.