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Writer's pictureColleen Green

EPSOM & UTICA by Faye Ashton

Our community, along with the world, will honour and mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth, who has been a strength and blessing for all of us to imitate.

The brilliance of the full moon this past weekend was amazing. Google said this moon named “harvest” is the most red/orange of all the full moons. Summer, like the evenings, was such a joy to spend outside.

The Uxbridge Fair had perfect weather, too, for all to take part in or just sit and enjoy. A sincere Thank You to all the volunteers working countless hours to make each Fair a success. Thank you to all 4H leaders for their months of training the youth in our community in all the projects 4H clubs offer.

The Bethesda-Reach Women’s Institute (WI) is holding an evening Fall Fashion Show with plenty of harvest desserts at the Seniors Centre, Uxbridge, on Thursday, September 29th, at 7 p.m. Fashions from Brock’s, Port Perry will be modelled. Tickets can be purchased from WI members for $20 each.

Epsom United Church service this coming Sunday is at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Edith Ann, our minister. Come and join in worship.

Darlene Christie has recently returned from a holiday in Scotland. (in her words)

“The two-week tour covered many miles of breathtaking scenery, mountains, hills, farmlands, varied waterways including Lochs Lomond and Ness, and was quite reminiscent of Canada’s geography, compressed into 154 miles breadth, without the heather, of course.

We visited many famous modern sites as well as battlefields, monuments and cairns while the ‘coach’ driver navigated some single-lane roads.

I appreciated the ongoing reforestation program affording more new buildings of lumber, replacing the typical stone.

Several castles and ‘houses’ were visited, conjuring tales of bygone opulence. Remarkable is the nation’s will to preserve these treasures through their foundations.

While in the vicinity, we teased about the fact that our invitation to tea with Queen Elizabeth at Balmoral had been ‘lost in the mail.’

In light of recent news, I rejoice that her final days were spent actively in her beloved home and homeland of her ancestors.

Rest in peace, my beautiful Queen. The nation mourns a good and faithful servant.”

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