DURHAM REGION: The Durham Region Federation of Agriculture (DRFA) is pleased to invite you to attend an information session on Wed. November 20th to hear about the Phase 2 (Marketing and Business Plan) study report for a Durham Region Agricultural Education & Event Centre. Last fall you may have participated in this project by providing input through a survey. Perhaps you attended the April 25th public engagement exercise in Solina, to provide feedback on the Phase 1 Feasibility report. Or you may have been involved in an outreach opportunity anytime over the last year because of an interest or affinity to the project and its goals. The Phase 1 study confirmed feasibility of the concept of an Agri-Food Education and Event Centre indicating that it could work at any number of sites identified. After working through an evaluation and selection process, the project Steering committee decided to select a greenfield type site (no buildings, no servicing) for the Phase 2 analysis. The site identified as the Wilson and Winchester site was used to demonstrate ‘proof of concept’. Now that the Phase 2 study report is close to finalization the DRFA wishes to provide an opportunity for you to hear a summary report presentation provided by the consultant team. The phase 2 report includes a marketing and business plan along with a recommendation for a governance structure Please join us on Wednesday, November 20th, 2019 at Nestleton Community Centre, located at 3971 Highway 7A Nestleton, Ontario from 7:15 to 7:45 p.m. During an open house style information session, come view architectural concepts diagrams, marketing, financial analysis and business plan study charts. From 7:45 to 8:30 p.m. members of the consultant team will provide the Phase 2 summary report presentation with an opportunity for questions and answers to wrap up by 8:30 p.m. Light Refreshments will start at 7:15 p.m. For more information please contact Karen Yellowlees, Administrative Coordinator, Durham Region Federation of Agriculture by email at drfagric@gmail.com or by phone at 905-986-0657.