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Blackstock news

The Standard

by Janet Van Camp

Katheryn (Churchill) and Mike Spohn recently welcomed Violet Elizabeth, a baby girl. She joins her siblings, Theo and Phoebe.

David and Kim (Rudkin) Van Camp welcomed Archer Michael Dale on March 4th. Eleanor is a happy big sister.

Over March Break, our local arena offered lots of skating opportunities for youth. I hope you were able to take in some of them.

The Blackstock Agricultural Society will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 19th, at the Recreation Centre starting at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend, especially if you want to be involved with any part of the Truck and Tractor Pull, Demolition Derby, and/or Fair.

Also happening on Wednesday, March 19th, is the Durham East 4H Info and Sign Up Night at the Tyrone Community Centre from 6 to 8 p.m. 4H is a terrific organization for youth ages 6 to 21. It offers many clubs for different interests and enables the development of valuable life skills while having fun.

I am happy to report Lawrence Van Camp is recovering well following knee surgery last week.

Josh Martyn and his son, Hunter, were recent visitors with Ron and Ellen Martyn. Hunter, who is from Vancouver, really enjoyed the snow!

Sympathy is extended to the family of Sharalyn (Reader) Campbell, who passed away last week.

The next coffee drop-in at the Blackstock Nestleton United Church will be Wednesday, March 26th, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. I hope to see you there.


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