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Tina Y. Gerber McCurley

Afternoon naps may be linked to better health

by Tina Y. Gerber - McCurley

As you get older, you may notice changes in your sleeping patterns. You might find it harder to get to sleep and stay asleep. You may feel tired and need to take an afternoon nap?

Sleep is very important for mental clarity, physical health and can even boost your energy levels throughout the day, leaving you feeling refreshed and alert. Are you getting enough sleep? Did you know, a few minutes of shut-eye will enhance short term memory and mood.

There is no need to feel lazy when indulging in an afternoon nap. They say, occasional napping may help you maintain your health!

Since my retirement I have become accustomed to taking an afternoon nap. Naps are my favourite part of the day. I look forward to them daily (when possible). When I was working in Long Term Care, I was always amazed at how often seniors were sleeping.

The ideal amount of night sleep, a person requires, is seven to nine hours for your best performance. Sleep helps strengthen your memory, increases your attention span and improves cognitive performance.

Perhaps, you need an excuse to squeeze in that midday snooze? For many people, napping in early afternoon is when your body experiences a natural circadian dip, and is the best time to catch a few winks, without disturbing the sleep-wake cycle. Many report they have less stress, better memory and focus after having a afternoon nap. However, if you are having problems sleeping at night, feeling groggy, or have early-morning headaches, you may have sleep apneas, like me. However, my CPAP machine has allowed me to get the rest and sleep I need. Always talk with your doctor. Many things can affect the quality of your sleep, and sometimes there's more than one cause.

Naps are not only beneficial because you feel less sleepy and more alert, but they also improve your motor skills, reaction times and mood. Napping works to keep you from forgetting things, aids in your sense of perception and verbal recall. More than half of men and women, over 65, have some sort of problem with sleep. If sleeping is not an ongoing option, just rest, and this will also brighten your outlook.

Resting and relaxing are great mood boosters. Having a nap, combined with moderate exercise, such as a walk, a bike ride or even stretching will help improve your sleep. Every human has a need for rest or sleep, it is a reminder we have limitations and need for dependence on God. Sleep is humbling because it shows our fragility. Still, with these amazing benefits, it is also an indicator we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14b King James Version

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