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Walk Softly – The Conclusion of a Chilly Tale
by Geoffrey Carpentier We are nearing the end of our discussion on how animals deal with winter’s cold and snow: having dealt with birds,...

Walk Softly – Cozying up for the winter
by Geoffrey Carpentier ‘Wish I had a fur coat – oh wait – I do’ says the fox! Well, mammals are furry to be sure, so let’s continue our...

Walk Softly - Sleeping the night away
by Geoffrey Carpentier In my recent columns, we’ve been exploring how birds deal with bitter-cold weather. Let’s next look at how some...

Walk Softly - Great Horned Owl
by Geoffrey Carpentier If you ask anyone what sound an owl makes, they will likely respond “hoo-hoo” in a deep, resonant voice. However,...

Walk Softly – Dealing with the Cold
by Geoffrey Carpentier Last time we explored how some small birds (i.e. chickadees) dealt with extreme temperatures. Now, I’d like to...

Walk Softly: Baby It’s Cold Out there!
by Geoffrey Carpentier Well, we seem to be in a bit of a deep freeze at the moment. I know I don’t like waking up to these temperatures...

Those Mysterious Owls
I’ve said it before, and likely will say it again, who doesn’t like those fascinating owls? Owls rely on sight and sound to locate prey....

Walk Softly – Striped Skunk
by Geoffrey Carpentier Many of us over the past few years have been experiencing an incredible increase in the number of Japanese Beetles...

Walk Softly – Climate – How are we doing?
by Geoffrey Carpentier I had the good fortune to tour Italy and several eastern European countries recently, on an actual holiday, not a...
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