We need to take every opportunity to protect the people we love, Part 1 by Tina Y. Gerber
How braces move teeth
HKPR medical officer talks about new Ontario directives
COVID-19 cases slowly rising in North Durham
Protest rallies held at local hospitals
Ontario launches new program to recruit and retain staff in retirement homes
Exercise and Falls Prevention Program
BBBSND expands to include seniors
Ontario ministry finds Pinecrest Nursing Home failed to follow best infection control measures in 20
HKPR provides COVID-19 update
Alzheimer Society of Durham Region secures OFT grant to recover post-pandemic
How to build friendships in your golden years
HKPR health unit seeing plateauing first dose vaccine numbers
RMH Auxiliary makes a special gift during a challenging year
Community’s New CT Scanner Now Operational
Ontario easing restrictions at long term care homes this week
Vaccination rates starting to slow in HKPR health unit area
Diabetes and adolescents: a special guide for parents
Kawartha Lakes health unit continues to see positive vaccine progress
Information about ticks and Lyme disease in Durham Region